dijous, 3 de juny del 2010

Love Actually

Love Actually is an incredible film. I saw it when I was a child and I fall in love of all the movie. The actors, the places, the characters were incredible and I think that is a fantastic movie. I will show you some photos about the movie and some important and beauty sentences.

-Tell her you love her. I never told enough about your mother should have told him every day because every day was perfect. The films do not end up leaving the word "end." (Liam Neeson)

-If what you seek, I have the strange feeling that you will discover that love actually ... is everywhere. (Hugh Grant)

2 comentaris:

  1. ooooooooh!! I LOVE THIS FILM CLÀUDIA! and I love you, too!!!!!!

    see you tomorrow!

  2. Hi!!

    This film is fantastic!!!
    I love the story of the writer and Portuguese...!!

    See you!!
