divendres, 4 de juny del 2010

Chasing Liberty

Today I'm gonna talk about a great film: Chasing liberty. This film explain the story of the daughter of the United States of America's President. Anna Foster (Mandy Moore) is eighteen years old and wants liberty but her father is scary about the people that is dangerous for she. One day she escape from her parents with a boy(Matthew Goode), but this boy is really a secret agent. Anna don't know it and they bouth live and incredible love story arround Prague, Venezia, Berlin...Here I show you some pretty sentences that Anna often says. They're very simple and common, but lovely. I hope you enjoy it.

-what has to happen, happens (Mandy Moore)

-scary things are often worth (Mandy Moore)

dijous, 3 de juny del 2010

Love Actually

Love Actually is an incredible film. I saw it when I was a child and I fall in love of all the movie. The actors, the places, the characters were incredible and I think that is a fantastic movie. I will show you some photos about the movie and some important and beauty sentences.

-Tell her you love her. I never told enough about your mother should have told him every day because every day was perfect. The films do not end up leaving the word "end." (Liam Neeson)

-If what you seek, I have the strange feeling that you will discover that love actually ... is everywhere. (Hugh Grant)

New York

My favourite city, New York. I have never been there but I want to travel to it early. I like all about it, the streets, the monuments because I've seen many movies that take place in New York and I love it.

dimecres, 2 de juny del 2010

Ivette Nadal

Ivette Nadal was born in Granollers and now she is 21 years old. She is a fantastic singer and she has probably one of the most beautiful voices I've never heard. She wrote her songs in catalan, french and english but basicly in catalan. She isn't very famous but I recommend she always. Her last CD "A l'esquena d'un elefant" in english "On the back of an elephant" is a fantastic album with fantastic songs and voice. I meet her on february and we are very times comunicated by the e-mail. I show you some photos but you can also visit her web and please, heard songs because they are fantastic.


dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010


Nicole Kidman is probably one of the most beautiful actress of hollywood. The first time I saw she was in the film Mouline Rouge. I was eight and this film was incredible for me. Since that moment I follow all her steps in the cinema world and she has became one of my favourite actress. One of her last film was Australia, a fantastic movie where she plays the roll of a british rich woman that have business in Australia and travels to there. In the film she performs with one of my favourite actors too. He is Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman plays the roll of a mountain boy of Australia that shows to the rich woman the land of her business. I put here some photos of Nicole and Hugh and of Australia, definetly one of my favourite movies.