dimecres, 2 de juny del 2010

Ivette Nadal

Ivette Nadal was born in Granollers and now she is 21 years old. She is a fantastic singer and she has probably one of the most beautiful voices I've never heard. She wrote her songs in catalan, french and english but basicly in catalan. She isn't very famous but I recommend she always. Her last CD "A l'esquena d'un elefant" in english "On the back of an elephant" is a fantastic album with fantastic songs and voice. I meet her on february and we are very times comunicated by the e-mail. I show you some photos but you can also visit her web and please, heard songs because they are fantastic.


1 comentari:

  1. Moltes gràcies guapa! per fer-me present aqui el teu espai. ens retrobem aviat.

    un petó.

    I v e t t e *^^.
